CEEC continues to believe that the Church of England’s current position on human sexuality is built on the teaching of scripture and is therefore good for individuals and society as a whole. We are therefore committed to praying and working for the outcome of the Living in Love and Faith process to be one of joyful reaffirmation of this position.
Whilst CEEC rejects the theological argument in Bishop Steven’s essay its expression highlights the fundamental incompatibility that exists between the current teaching of the C of E and the position he (and others he might speak for) have come to adopt. The essay also helpfully refers to the need for differentiation and provision of oversight in the event of change – a differentiation that CEEC believes would need to be of a structural nature and robust enough to secure the sustained flourishing of orthodoxy going forwards.
CEEC commends Vaughan Robert’s response to Bishop Steven here and that of the Oxford Diocesan Evangelical Fellowship here.