The Anglican Communion has reached a ‘defining’ moment and is being ‘torn apart’, according to Archbishop Emeritus Mouneer Anis, of Alexandria, in his article ‘A Deeply Torn Communion.’
He cites a departure from the faith once received and systemic institutional failure, as the reasons for the tearing of the fabric of the Anglican Communion.
He argues that decades of increasing levels of theological diversity, autonomy and a departure from Anglican orthodoxy, coupled with ‘ever less clarity as to what (if any) beliefs were essential for Anglican Christians’, have served to deepen the divides and shatter unity, particularly between the north and the south.
He claims the current crisis around ‘innovations in human sexuality’ are simply symptomatic of a ‘much deeper illness of Communion’. He goes on to attribute the ‘serious fractures’, to the systemic institutional failure of the Communion. Archbishop Mouneer states that the Instruments of the Communion have failed to address the crisis and are ‘inadequate to the task’. Read the full article.