“In recent weeks, I’ve had countless conversations with members of CEEC, General Synod, the Alliance and many others, and I’ve noticed widespread consensus about what the so called PLF ‘provision’ or ‘reassurance’ needs to deliver, should the House of Bishops proceed with their proposed changes regarding Living in Love and Faith. And there are several essential provisions that command widespread support.
Let me highlight just three of them for you. Number one, we need to be in a part of the Church of England that has one biblical doctrine of sex and marriage. It’s just not possible to hold two contradictory doctrines side by side. Second, we need to have bishops who believe, teach and lead out of orthodox convictions. Bishops who believe and uphold biblical teaching.
Lay people are saying to us, that’s the kind of bishop they long to be overseen by. Clergy are saying that they need to be licensed and overseen by such bishops. And thirdly, we need to guarantee what you might call ministerial pipelines for the future. By that I mean securing the ongoing supply of people, being trained for ordained ministry, the ongoing supply of clergy, being appointed into parishes.
And of course, we’re talking here about the guarantee of future appointment of orthodox bishops. We don’t want anyone to be barred from ordination, parochial ministry, the episcopacy, because they can’t, in good conscience, use or allow the use of the Prayers of Love and Faith. And if the provisions that are being explored and possibly brought to General Synod cannot guarantee at least those three things, then we have to see it as insufficient provision.
So please do pray for the challenging meetings that are currently going on about how Orthodoxy can be provided for, secured, going forwards. Please do pray for those who are feeling vulnerable, even being squeezed at this time because of their stand for orthodoxy. And please do pray for wisdom for those who are having to live out the reality of impaired fellowship at this time.
Thank you so much for your prayers.”
John Dunnett, CEEC National Director