Our Initiatives
Our work is varied and always evolving
We are guided by our founding documents and vision in everything we do. Our current main areas of work are below.
Our work is underpinned by prayer and done in collaborative dialogue across the Council.
You can also explore the resources we produce for church leaders, churches and small groups.

Our Initiatives
Our current initiatives include, but are not limited to:
Provisions for Orthodox in response to PLF
CEEC has facilitated provisions alongside The Alliance, of which we are part, in response to the current situation in the Church of England. These are designed to support clergy and churches as the challenges around the Living in Love and Faith (LLF) process continue.

Responding to Racism
Sadly we are all too aware of racism in some shape or form in our society. Our guess is that you are concerned about it – and wish as a Christian to learn how you (and your church) can both think and behave more biblically around issues of ethnicity. The Council created this conversation starter and resource suite for churches and small groups

Culture Power and Abuse Working Group
We convened a representative group of Anglican evangelical church leaders (survivors of abuse, women and men, younger and older, lay and ordained, conservative and charismatic) to help churches review, repent and reshape their cultures on the back of the recent Thirtyone:eight independent reviews into two prominent evangelical churches and their leaders. The materials produced – named ‘In Lament’, are both in response to the criticism and recommendations made by the review, and the subsequent wider reflections of this representative group.

Prayers of Love and Faith Response
We are inviting clergy and churches across all the dioceses to take action with us in order that the House of Bishops might see the breadth and depth of concern in local churches regarding the LLF proposals for standalone services and the possibility of clergy same-sex marriage.

Human Sexuality and Identity
As churches, we need to understand and tell the beautiful story of God’s creation and our identity within His Kingdom. The Council has produced a number of resources to help churches, small groups and church leaders to articulate this bright vision for all humanity in the fast evolving context of 21st century western human identity and sexual ethics.

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About Us
Why do we do what we do? – Find out more about why we create initiatives like the above.