CEEC responds to the publication of the Makin Report

CEEC is grateful for Keith Makin’s review of the Church of England’s handling of allegations of abuse carried out by the late John Smyth.

CEEC grieves for those who have suffered abuse at the hands of those who, in positions of authority, were trusted and respected within the church. We are thankful to those for whom it has taken great courage to speak up and tell their own stories and for whom this has inflicted further pain and trauma. We are deeply grateful for their bravery and pray for those victims especially at this time. We recognise too that for some victims exposing the abuse of John Smyth has led to unwarranted criticism and has been a further source of abuse, which we lament deeply.

We condemn any abuse in our churches, and lament and repent of times when this has been a reality in churches across the country.

We are committed to considering the report carefully and prayerfully and determining what further action may need to follow.